Alagoa, The Jar
by Daniel Duque for A CabineAlagoa speaks with Daniel Duque about his new album The Jar and the path that took him from being a metal guitarrist to experimental and ambient music
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December 2023

Translating music into a
crystalline cinematic world
Music Video Premiere for Clot MagazineAlagoa speaks with Clot Magazine about the music video for his new single «Something Somewhere Not Here Not There» and the creative process behind it
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October 2023

Ripping Perception To Shreds
by Noah Schmeling for Atlas LisboaAlexandre Alagôa’s film «When I Close My Eyes I See Everything» sets out to strip away the contexts and references that muddle and complicate our experience of vision
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May 2023

Animation Avantgarde Artist Talks
for the Vienna Shorts Film FestivalAlexandre Alagôa & Katharina Huber speak with Vienna Shorts’ programmers Thomas Renoldner and Wiktoria Pelzer about their filmmaking process
︎︎︎ watch full talk [en]
May 2021

turva: from music to video
by Daniel Duque for A Cabine"TRV001" opens the door to discovering the new turva publishing project. This is a compilation of experimental sounds, whether electronic or acoustic, which brings together eight Portuguese names, such as ciplinarian, funcionário, Martiška and the two heads of the label, Alexandre Alagôa and Luís Neto
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July 2020

turva: the beginning
by Vasco Completo for Rimas e BatidasA new publishing project has just emerged with its first compilation, TRV001. turva is an audiovisual publishing house founded by Alexandre Alagôa and Luís Neto and focuses on experimental production made in Portugal, with the ambition of creating events and a diversified catalogue within the most challenging art being made today
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July 2020